I’m sure that many of you, like myself, have been very disappointed by the failure of the main stream media and certain independent journalists to accurately and fairly report the independence debate. We are all faced daily with negative headlines, some of the more recent ones have included:

Former PM gives independence warning (BBC)
Scots to flock south if granted independence (Scottish Express)
Alistair Darling: Scottish Government’s blueprint for independence contains £9billion black hole (Daily Record)
English ‘would bomb our airports’ (The Herald)
Scottish independence: More austerity if independent Scotland is to balance books, says think-tank (The Independent)
Pretty much anything on Newsnight Scotland (BBC)

There are many more of these type of headlines, it is really surprising that any of us get up in the morning. We should just all lay in bed and soak up the English subsidised benefits we all receive. However, there is a serious side to all of this. The argument for independence has been won, lets make no doubt about that. Anyone with half a brain and some interest in actually searching for the truth are already convinced that it is a clear YES vote next year. But there are many that still require to be convinced, mainly because their news and information comes from what can only be described as an anti-Scottish, anti-independence, anti-truth media controlled by an establishment owned media.

There is hope though, one of the really wonderful things I discovered when I started to research independence a bit more was the the truly informative and excellent sites and blogs trying to get the truth out there, encouraging honest debate. I used to be a Blether with Brian (BBC Scotland) person until a) Brian never blethered b) Brian has an incredibly partonizing way of using the written word that makes everyone feel thick c) BBC Scotland decided to close all comments because they appeared to be pro YES. So if anyone should come across this rather feeble blog by mistake please find below a list of links to places that a) Will renew your hope in the Scottish people b) Provide you with the information you need to make up your own mind or convince others and c) Demonstrate how corrupt and dishonest the mainstream media are in Scotland when you compare them to the really excellent writers below:


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4 Responses to Citizen Journalism

  1. Howard Webb says:


  2. richardcain2 says:

    Unfortunately Derek Bateman’s blog seems to have disappeared. That is a real shame.

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