The Unionists always win, even when they lose

I was reading an article on Scot Goes Pop this morning about the latest YouGov polling that puts the SNP even further behind British Labour in the English Parliament Elections.

Labour 39% (+5)
SNP 29% (-4)

James is talking about how it has to be all hands to the pumps, while having a go at his party, the Alba Party, for standing at least 18 candidates in the English parliament elections this year.

This is an emergency situation for the independence cause, and we in Alba should be helping to stop Labour, not busily making it easier for them to win seats. (James Kelly)

What is it that people don’t get? What can’t they see? Taking part in the English Parliament Election, even if yes parties were to unlikely win a majority of colony seats, means the unionists win either way. It just doesn’t mean anything, we know that, we have seen that.

I really believe that the only thing that will make the English Parliament take a tiny little bit of notice is for all yes supporters to boycott that election. Just do not take part, don’t give them any reason to believe you accept their right to govern over us any longer, remove your consent, and their mandate. We have tried everything else, it hasn’t worked, this is the last throw of the dice.

2026 when we vote in our own regional council election for Holyrood we only vote for the parties that have a one line manifesto, a vote for this party on the constituency, and a vote for this party on the list, means a vote for independence, a constitutional convention, and a start on negotiations to leave the Treaty of Union.

Anyone advocating voting in the English election, I’m sorry, I just think you are wrong, you’re playing the British game.

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6 Responses to The Unionists always win, even when they lose

  1. haagsehighlander says:

    I just watched Kenny Mackasgill speaking to an empty chamber again, ramScottish law & CoR down their throats and then get out of there.laughed at ridiculed and ignored! are yi’s wise??

    • H

      Just one of the many reasons I won’t be voting in any English Parliament elections again. It makes no difference, it never has so it’s time we woke up to that fact, the only thing left is to remove our participation, their mandate.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I totally agree with you Bruce.


    • Anon

      We have tried everything else so all we have left is to remove our vote, their mandate but either way I am done ever voting in an English Parliament election again.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Spear o' Annandale says:

    I thought that we may have learned from the GE of 2015 when 56 of 59 SNP MPs were returned to Westminster. Would it have made a difference if the SNP had won the other 3 seats? Not at all!

    There is no route to independence via Westminster and most well-informed people surely know that by now. However, the vast majority of the Scottish electorate are not so well-informed either of our history or our colonial status.

    Unfortunately, the SNP has betrayed the people of Scotland and that’s something I never ever thought I would even think let alone say to others. Personal ambition has far outweighed the national need and desire for elf-determination and independence. I had hoped that the formation of the Alba Party would refocus the political debate on what we need as a nation but it appears to me that personal ambition has once again won out against national interest.

    As long as we dutifully cast our vote for a foreign parliament to rule us and plunder our resources, Daniel DeFoe’s report to his handler Robert Harley (Queen Anne’s Chief Spymaster) still rings just as true as it did back in 1706:

    National Library of Scotland

    Daniel Defoe

    “Most Scots know Daniel Defoe as the author of Robinson Crusoe. How many know he was… an English spy or fifth columnist, sent to Scotland to foster by voice and bribes, the idea of Parliamentary Union?

    He wrote, 

    “The Scots will be allowed to send to Westminster, a handful of men who will make no weight whatever. They will be allowed to sit there for form’s sake to be laughed at.”

    So, in the space of 318 years nothing has changed because every time we play their parliamentary games the Westminster elite can be heard laughing all the way to Holyrood.

    • SoA

      1000% spot on in every way. What you have said is the exact reason why I will never vote in the English elections again, and I do not give a shit what anyone else says pretty much, I will do my best to encourage others to boycott them also.

      Thanks for commenting.

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