It makes no difference – it’s over

It makes no difference – it’s over – will he or won’t he? Does anyone really care any more?

My phone started getting hot last night very late as the story emerged that Humza Useless may well resign today as the First Minister of the North Britain colony, I never actually looked at the texts until this morning, needed the beauty sleep. When I started to follow the story a little, I nearly spat out my Egg Mayo Pita bread when Jenny Gilruth was mentioned as a potential replacement, just when you thought the madness couldn’t get any worse, well folks only Lorna Slater would be worse than Gilruth. Gilruth is yet another Politics student who has worked their way up the SNP greasy poll, no life experience to speak of, as in having a proper job, and her list of failure is an equal to Humza Useless.

Just when you thought the SNP had reached their bottom, well, it is clear that their bottom is a never ending pit of useless. The simple fact is it is over for the SNP in the Regional Parliament in Edinburgh. We can either have the useless SNP, or the equally useless British Labour Party overseeing the colony, either way the colony is screwed for the next few years at least to continue the last 400.

Now, Alba needs to decide what they are – or they might as well give up the ghost as well.

If Alba, and Alex Salmond, are serious about being the alternative to the SNP then there can be no olive branch, or yet another one from Alex Salmond. There is a part of me that suspects that if the SNP were willing to welcome Alex Salmond back he would jump at the opportunity, either way Alba has to decide what it wants to be, or it may well be over for the party also. I believe that they need to be clear and say that they will not support the SNP as they are no longer an independence party, that the SNP can join an alliance of the yes parties on equal terms with all the others, while coming up with a strategy that can move the yes debate forward.

Did the interview with Patrick Harvie bring about this so-called crisis, maybe yes maybe no, I would suspect that it is a combination of the whole list of failure since the Sturgeon took over coming to a head. Maybe even the most diehard carrot eaters have had enough, can see the writing on the wall. Useless potentially going is just like squeezing one plook on your chops, there are a hell of a lot of plooks on the chops of the SNP that need a good squeeze, then washed away with some serious clearasil before the SNP can even think about the long road to recovery.

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6 Responses to It makes no difference – it’s over

  1. duncanio says:

    “It makes no difference – it’s over”

    It’s never over …

  2. Alastair says:

    The colonial game continues , one spy out another in. Business as usual UK, Ok safe for another 5 years of economic misery, child poverty, and mass deprivation.

    • Alastair

      Sadly, I agree, the names mentioned are a list of the mindless. What a mess our colony is in right now, and we are years away from sorting it out. The SNP won’t call an election of course, too much wages to be banked in the next 2 years while the rest of us suffer the consequences.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    They’ll want to have someone as leader who wants the SNP to continue its place within the Union.

    • Anon

      I agree, it looks like the Sturgeons’ mantra will continue with the next continuity candidate. Like the Tories, once a party starts to change leader this often it is the end. Saying that it can’t come soon enough, really. The independence movement is a mess, the colony is a mess, we are years away from fixing it. Who would ever have thought it would get this bad, Sturgeon has a hell of a lot to answer for.

      Thanks for commenting.

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