Living off of Carrots

Us Scots live off a diet of carrots, well that’s what too many believe anyway –  So Gordon Brown-Stuff has discussed a poll that his pro-Union think tank Our Scottish Future had on the cost of living crisis but which also found that when people were asked “To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? A serious plan to change Britain could be more attractive than independence for Scotland,”  they allegedly found that some 47% agreed, 22% disagreed, with 26% saying neither. While most of those supporting a reformed UK over independence were Tory and Labour voters, the poll also showed that 30% of SNP voters also agreed with the question(doesn’t surprise me with the new Britnat SNP).

According to the Herald Brown is due to publish a report on recommendations for reform of the UK in the coming weeks but when asked what those recommendations were said

Carrot alert Carrot alert

“We are going to outline over the next few weeks and months what a changed Britain would look like. And it will mean a lot to the people of Scotland. We want to see a Britain that works for Scotland in a better way than is happening at the moment.

Brown stuff then goes on to troll out the old trusted Better Together mantra that the carrot eaters just love as it gives them all of the excuses they need to vote no to Scottish independence when he says

“But we don’t know what independence means to be honest as the SNP have not spelt out what it means for the pound, and thus the currency, for trade and thus the border, for membership of Nato which want to have but not to be a nuclear weapons holder, for all the different things that the SNP talk about. “Pensions. They can’t spell out what pensions mean. They seem to think that the UK Government will fund pensions in an independent Scotland.”

Just the usual unchallenged LIES that unionists tell on a daily basis and that carrot eaters lap up in all of it’s glory.

There are risks though, the poll also found that,

• Scots fear the next year will be worse for their finances than the Covid crisis. Some 48% said they feared their financial situation would worsen over the next 12 months, with only 14% saying they think it will improve. This compares to the 37% who say that Covid made them less financially secure.
• 40% of Scots said they were either “struggling” or described their finances as “tight”
• The cost of living and inflation are now twice as important to households across Scotland than any other economic issue. 63% ranked it as a top 3 issue, as against 30% for pensions, the next highest
• On how an unexpected £500 bill would affect their finances – 47% – said they either would not be able to pay it, or would have to borrow or save money elsewhere to do so.

Us Scots are risk averse, carrots eaters, or cowards, or all three

I must admit that I have been thinking about the cost of living crisis and have blogged about it a few times recently, as I have been blogging about our cowardly reaction to the assaults on Scotland’s well-being since at least Thatcher and the 80’s when fear of losing what little we have has resulted in fear of change.

I fear that this cost of living crisis, which will get worse over the next year, maybe two, will both be enough for Nikola Sturgeon and the SNP to delay action on our constitutional future and give enough reason to the soft no’s to allow them to fall for another Project Fear Part Two and vote against the chance for something better. I also ask myself

Where is the fight back?

against the Better Together narrative of the yoons, Kenneth Gibson, the SNP MSP, said: “Gordon Brown is the very last person anyone in Scotland can trust when it comes to Scottish self-government. Of course that is 100% true but it is not enough, it is not enough for Gibson to say

“Instead we have had continued Tory austerity, Boris Johnson as Prime Minister, and Brexit imposed on Scotland against our will – a Brexit which Gordon Brown’s Labour party now supports.

“It’s staggering that as the cost of living crisis heightens, Gordon Brown continues to align himself with Westminster control that sees the poorest families have vital Universal Credit support cut by £20 a week.


Where are the counter arguments, the answers are there and have been made, enough of the Blackford like platitudes and get on the front foot for a change FFS. The SNP are losing the unofficial campaign for independence against the unionists already. Living off of carrots is a comfort blanket for far too many and why, because the SNP are the ones picking them for the unionists to feed them to the gullible.

Enough, the campaign needs to start now before we lose before we have even started.

The unionists aren’t the greatest risk to the YES cause right now, the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon are. Carrots and the cost of living crisis just don’t help when the party of independence answer is more platitudes.

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10 Responses to Living off of Carrots

  1. Stuart MacKay says:

    Spot on Bruce. We have a treasure trove of factors that adversely affect (almost) everybody in the country and either the SNP can’t capitalise on them or refuse to capitalise on them. It makes you wonder which master they serve. They’ve turned their back on the plight of the majority of Scots.

    • Stuart

      I’m pretty much convinced the SNP are a devolution party now and are not serious about independence anymore. They are too afraid to try to have a referendum, they have done little to prepare for one, they like the scraps from the British table a little too much, and they have zero talent and I include Sturgeon. They, like Labour of old, have been bought and sold and the sooner they are gone the better.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. panda paws says:

    “We want to see a Britain that works for Scotland in a better way than is happening at the moment.”

    Tell you what “How Now Brown Vow”, why don’t you introduce this new Britain PRIOR to the vote and we’ll see whether it lives up to the billing. No didn’t think so.

    “But we don’t know what independence means to be honest as the SNP have not spelt out”

    Well I agree with him there. However the fault is not independence’s – there are perfectly good answers to his questions – it’s the SNP for not doing the policy work. Actually scratch that, other groups have done the policy work e.g. CommonWeal, The SSRG, Tim Rideout’s work but the SNP has completely ignored it. I mean why wouldn’t they, you don’t need policies for indy if you have no intention of delivering it.

    I REALLY hope they get a kicking at the council elections. If people keep voting for them, the SNP will keep dangling the carrots. It’s a wonder we don’t all have 20;20 vision!

    • PP

      I agree , the answers are all there it is the SNP who refuse to put it all together and actually fight for independence anymore. They are a zero talent party of cowards, bought and sold , and have morphed into a party of devolution which makes them a British Nat Party in all but name. Brown, the man is a stain, I’ve always despised him as there is something not right about him, something of the night about him. But the SNP they are worse now, I despise them now. Poor governance and cowards, betrayed us all in every way.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Ian says:

    Yet again the old Scotland couldn’t possibly survive on it’s own and is totally dependent on being part of the UK. Where to begin in addressing this on-going nonsense? The obvious thing to point out is that of all of the similarly sized independent countries around Scotland, from Iceland to Austria and the dozen or so in between, all are doing much better economically than the UK and most importantly, have consistently being doing so for decades. Yet an independent Scotland for unstated reasons wouldn’t be in the same position with all the real world benefits that these similar independent countries have, from much better pensions to better healthcare facilities and so on. And not forgetting things like much less inequality as well.

    A key part of the Scotland is too small/poor/whatever nonsense, promoted along with a not too hidden implication that Scotland is so dependent on trade with it’s biggest trading area (rUK), that should Scotland become independent, somehow this trade would be at risk.

    Scotland exports to rUK – £51.2 billion
    rUK exports to Scotland – £63.9 billion (both figures from 2018)

    So rUK exports to Scotland are significantly higher than what Scotland exports to rUK. Now as a proportion of trade, the rUK export market is a far bigger % than is the Scottish market for rUK. But so what. Scotland is still a big market for rUK. A very big market. In fact it is rUK’s second biggest export market.

    UK annual export values by destination country in descending order (2018) –

    USA – £121 billion
    (Scotland – £64 billion) – rUK export figure to Scotland
    Germany – £56 billion
    Netherlands – £44 billion
    France – £41 billion

    Given that the above UK export figures include exports from Scotland, the actual rUK exports values will be significantly lower given the importance of Scotland’s exports within UK export figures.

    So if UK exports to Germany (including Scottish exports of oil, whisky, salmon etc) are worth £56 billion over a year, yet rUK exports to Scotland are worth £63.9 billion for the same year, then even allowing for the fact that the above UK export figures are boosted by exports from Scotland, Scotland is easily rUK’s second biggest market after the US, and a significantly bigger export market than the next major UK export market, Germany.,%20%206.5%25%20%2073%20more%20rows%20?msclkid=93dea236a5c111ec8b6782f9e1e1696f,up%20%C2%A32.4%20billion%20%282.9%25%29%20from%20the%20previous%20year.?msclkid=31d21804a5c111ec80c09adcf1f6385d

    For all the the bluster and hidden threats of the rUK market somehow being restricted to an independent Scotland, in the real world trade would continue pretty much as now. Would rUK really want to hamstring it’s second biggest export market when Scotland exports critical things such as oil and electricity to rUK?

    The UK’s economic position is dreadful,has been for a very long time and with Brexit, the UK’s relentless economic decline relative to all it’s neighbours will only continue. It’s international trading balance of payments went negative in the mid 1980’s and has been in decline ever since. Put simply, the UK is not paying it’s way in the world. That can’t continue indefinitely.

    North sea oil propped up the UK’s current account trade balance for a good few years (ie delayed the decline and made it significantly less bad than it would have been without oil revenues), but as the continued decline clearly shows, the lottery win oil revenues were not used for any real benefit to the long term structure of the UK economy. The oil money was simply squandered, leaving the UK in the almost unique position of being the only ‘country’ to have massive source of natural wealth and not create a Sovereign Wealth Fund, such as the well known one that Norway has, or the less well known one of Equatorial Guinea.,Oil%20%26%20Gas%20%2040%20more%20rows%20?msclkid=3bb0b4efa5c811ecb3ba94ec4e2c13c7

    Yet despite all this evidence of the very shaky ground upon which the rUK economy sits compared with the much stronger foundations upon which an independent Scotland would sit, the UK continues to propagate the desperate lie that Scotland depends on rUK. If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable, yet where is the political fight back based on the economic facts? Why does anyone think that successive UK Government hid the UK McCrone report for 30 years, yet continues to push a poorly discredited GERS report (strangely without one being made available for England,Wales & NI !). Hide the truth and promote the lies seems how best to describe this.

    It seems clear based on polls that Scotland’s independence will only succeed if the economics of Scotland vs UK are pushed to centre stage. So far the UK lies have largely been allowed to grow like a cancer (particularly GERS). It’s long past time when some light should have been shone on them. Much more importantly though, the very strong economic case for an independent Scotland needs to be made. It’s a subject that the UK will not want to have to argue since there is no economic substance to Scotland remaining in the UK, whereas there is for an independent Scotland. The nations from Iceland to Austria are the best indication of that that you can have.

    • Ian

      Thanks for such a detailed response again for everyone to see. Totally agree with you, there is no reason for Scotland to continue to be robbed blind and not be a successful independent country but how do we break the jockholme syndrome effect when the SNP won’t even make the effort. It is truly heartbreaking the state that we are in and how worse it gets the longer we are chained to the UK. People like Brown make me sick to my stomach and I really don’t care what people say they are quislings and always will be in my eyes. Sturgeon and her lack of action is maybe worse.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. duncanio says:

    Very true Bruce:

    Arch-Unionists like the boy from the Brown stuff dangle the carrots and the donkeys in the SNP keep nibbling them.

    • Duncanio

      Quislings, makes them even worse than unionists in my eyes, and Sturgeon maybe even worse than all of them with her total lack of action in face of all of the evidence and as Ian has shown the positive case for independence and how successful Scotland could be if it weren’t chained to the decaying UK which robs it blind, you can’t make it up can you.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. larawanda2004 says:

    Good morning Bruce. All so frighteningly true. As for the SNP, Sick listening to the same mantra. It’s Boris’s fault , it’s WM . It’s Alex Salmons fault, (their favourite. We don’t have the power, we don’t have the money(except for stonewall ect) It’s if as if they don’t know the answers. It’s simples, get us independence. Yet still the sheep lap it all up. Carrots carrots everywhere but not a referendum to be seen. Thanks for all you do. Saor Alba.

    • Lara

      The answers are there, the evidence is there, the UK is a rotting cesspit of corruption and yet Sturgeon and the SNP do nothing and quislings like Brown get free reign to spout their lies and the sheeple fall for it very time, enough to make a grown man cry.

      Thanks for commenting.

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