My take on 2021 ( I’m not cheery )

Well this year has been a year of real change for myself personally, and overall not in a good way. I have started to confront myself in many ways as those of you who read this blog will know, I made some positive physical changes that have been good for me in some ways, losing five stones in weight in 6 months, but I also saw changes in my personal life that are very difficult to accept and has resulted in some personal hurt that will take some time to get past, that is a work in progress and will be for a long time. A relationship came to an end that I am mostly responsible for, my mental health neglect being the catalyst, and much of the reason that this came about, and something that I am now trying to work through, too late to make a difference to that relationship but something that will have profound effects on future ones if I don’t deal with those issues now, so I am, and I apologize for the tone of this blog so you might not want to read the rest of it lol as it’s not positive. When your heart gets broken it is going to take time to pick yourself up and breath again, that is where I am at right now, broken and tired. So again sorry for the tone of this final blog of the year from myself.

This year saw the end of Wings Over Scotland, a much missed analysis of Scottish politics but the reasons for the end are fair enough. However we did also see the rise of new media to do it’s best to fill the gap. While new media does not have the resources that were available to Wings it has shown the creativity of those who put a lot of time, personal money, and effort into keeping the independence cause alive and kicking. Stuart Campbell, as I said, is missed and his impact can never be forgotten but the new media bloggers for myself are more important, in the main self-taught, motivated, insightful, careful, funny, positive and even in the dark days of a Scottish Government Police State keep going because they believe in the return of all sovereignty to Scotland. We need to thank them and support them as much as we can.




We saw the disgrace that was the Alex Salmond enquiry, we saw the SNP Government allow the arms of the state be used to not only cover up injustice and be found to mislead, or try to, we also saw civil servants being economical with the truth to a level that brought shame on Scotland, we saw Police Scotland become the personal force of the Scottish Government. The result of this was the malicious prosecution of several prominent yes supporters and the shameful imprisonment of Craig Murray that demonstrated that our Courts, our Judges, our Police, and our politicians cannot be trusted to do what is right. Without the support of the wider yes community financially I have no doubt that some of those people would have also went to prison as they just would not have had the legal support they required to defend them.

We learned that Nicola Sturgeon and her (husband) have difficulties remembering facts, we learned they didn’t know, were not aware, weren’t there. We learned that Nicola Sturgeon places more emphasis on some men wanting to access women’s safe space and this is more important than the cause of independence no matter what the public think. We saw Nicola Sturgeon use a public health emergency to continue to question the innocent verdict in the Alex Salmond case, the shameful complicity of the so called Scottish Media to the extent that an innocent man has seen his reputation and legacy tarnished for all time, an injustice that will forever taint Nicola Sturgeon and will result in her going down in history in the same way that Tony Blair did.

We saw the SNP win yet another election and some how manage to make Scottish independence even more of a distant dream than it was in 2014. We learned that we have a First Minster who has no interest in independence other than her own personal gain and the occasional selfie, we learned that while she can present information to the public her skills are sadly lacking in pretty much every area of government from bad policy to the unforgivable management in the Covid-19 crisis to the extent that people may have died who did not have to due to poor policy and management of the crisis, but hey ho the sheeple love her and will vote for her. We saw the potential that used to be The National become the Nicola Sturgeon fanzine with non stop Duke of York Headlines and I am now at the point that the sooner the charlatan that is Nicola Sturgeon is no longer First Minister the better.

We saw the Alba Party formed and while the road will be long to become an established party in the minds of the voters they are already holding the SNP to account and without them independence would not even be discussed in the new Scotland. We saw the continued corruption of the English Tory Government , a Government who have no issue with stabbing us in the front, they don’t even hide their corruption any more because they know English voters will vote for them, the media won’t challenge them, and they can pretty much do what they want fronted by the liar that is Boris Johnson, an inept clueless politician who is in a position that makes the UK a laughing stock all over the world, a failed state and a banana republic in all but name.

So as far as I am concerned 2021 can fucking do one, it has been a shit year in every single way for myself with nothing to be happy about or to be proud of in any shape or form. I would normally hope and believe that the new year will bring about change but I don’t and I don’t apologise for that at all. I think it will be as shit as this year has been and I always hate January anyway. I have no grounds for optimism and I am not going to pretend that I do, I am being honest with myself and if I am not in a good place and people ask, well they will get a truthful answer, I am beyond saying I am fine any more when I am not, I am beyond saying I am hopeful when I am not. Independence is further away than it has ever been because of the SNP and the politically illiterate in Scotland, I am not in a good place personally and that will get worse before it gets better and that is the only glimmer of hope for myself, that it will get better for me personally but I will take it a day at a time.

I do wish everyone a restful Christmas though and I do apologise for the tone of this final blog for 2021, I wish it could be uplifting, insightful, hopeful but I am not in that place personally and I don’t think Scotland is either but I am not giving up, not yet anyway, and will keep doing what I can next year with the blog and with my own personal development.

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19 Responses to My take on 2021 ( I’m not cheery )

  1. larawanda2004 says:

    Good morning Bruce. I really feel in your present state of mind. Mental illness is often frowned upon, it has a stigma attached to it, which is both unkind and totally misunderstood. I watched my husband go through the horrors of mental illness years ago the memory of how much he suffered is still with me today thirty years later. You are right to stop saying I’m fine when you feel so lost and alone, but I know why you do say it, you think it will spare you having to go through the horrors of how you really feel and block out the demons. You think people are not interested, probably most of then are not, but there are some good listeners out there. I really wish you a better healthier 2022.Stop apologizing for the way you feel. Take care .

    • Lara

      Thanks for the encouragement. Yeah I just don’t lie anymore if someone asks how I am, most people will just cringe and not know what to say, and I am not trying to make people feel uncomfortable, but I am done with denying how I feel anymore. I hope in the future to maybe have another special meaningful relationship but that can’t happen if I am not right within myself so it’s a painful journey that I have to take. I do have people around me this holidays, my daughter is staying, my family will be here Christmas Day, youngest goes to his Mum Boxing Day but people don’t get that I can still feel detached and alone even surrounded by people, they don’t understand that and it is very hard to explain but I just have to confront it and try and break down those barriers. I’m doing this with support from friends and self care as I decided not to go down the NHS medication route, that’s not the answer for me. But thanks for the encouragement and please enjoy the holidays.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. Stuart MacKay says:

    That captures it all nicely. Even though we had it really easy here – apart from work mates in the UK I don’t know anyone who got covid. However 2021 was the crappiest year in quite some time. Everything and everyone has been ground down by relentless fear-mongering. I’m not prepared to let 2022 go the same way. Not sure what the list of resolutions is going to be at the New year but there will certainly be more “resolve” involved than usual.

    Don’t forget, telling it like it is takes a strength of character that most people don’t have.

    • Stuart

      It’s just been a crap year and I had Covid at the start of it which wasn’t nice and it has pretty much went down hill all the way. I agree with you that there has been constant fear mongering from the media and the politicians and it has taken a heavy toll on many people, Covid and the handling of it when it is eventually past will have repercussions for years and years to come across all ages. I could personally do without Christmas this year to be honest, would be happy to give it a miss but sadly not an option for myself.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. duncanio says:

    Yes it has been a pretty depressing year. A few of the lowlights:

    SNP gerrymandering of the NEC
    SNP gerrymandering of the List candidature for Holyrood Regional Elections
    SNP missing ring-fenced funds
    Both Votes SNP
    The hamstrung committee investigating the SG handling of complaints
    The whitewash investigation into whether or not the FM broke the ministerial code
    The corruption of COPFS and infiltration by the British state.
    Martin Keatings case dismissed
    The political trial and jailing of Craig Murray
    The harassment of Mark Hirst and Marion Millar
    The on-going smearing of Alex Salmond (by those that should themselves be answerable in court)
    The demise of Wings Over Scotland
    COVID effects and mismanagement thereof
    Brexit effects (no delivery drivers, empty shelves, exports collapse, no fruit pickers, fishing f@cked)
    etc etc

    I could go on. But what’s the point as the SNP sheeple are wearing blind folds, have their fingers in their ears and are screaming that you are some kind off ‘ist’ or ‘phobe’ or ‘5th columnist’ when you point out their flawed approach.

    On a personal front I hope that things pick up for you soon. I don’t know your personal circumstances but I do know that you work here is appreciated.

    Keep on truckin’.

    • Duncanio

      Thanks for the encouragement and you got the list spot on. It has been a shit year and I can’t see the back of it quick enough. Next year I don’t expect to be much better on the political front to be honest, the SNP will spend it ensuring men can get into womens safe spaces and will do as little as they can on independence. Me it’s one step at a time but hopefully I will see some light at the end of the tunnel. Fingers crossed anyway.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. JSM says:

    Bruce, if you can’t hold on to hope yourself let me hold on to it for you. I remember the feelings of being a failure and worthless, of wearing a ‘mask’ to the outside world, and feeling totally alone surrounded by people. I’m glad that you have support from friends; please use that support.
    I wish you a happier and healthier new year, and please stay safe.

    • JSM

      Thanks for the encouragement, one day at a time for me for the foreseeable future I suspect, everyday is an emotional roller coaster just now and even though I have my kids around, some friends keeping in touch and going for walks etc I don’t think I have ever felt more alone in my life than I do right now, how I get past it I have no idea but somehow I will it’s just going to take me time and effort. I’ll be glad when the season is passed to be honest as I am not in the festive mood, but I’m not sure many of us are this year to be honest. But we can only keep going I suppose.

      Thanks for commenting.

  5. Have a wee break Bruce and I am sure, given time things will fall back into place. Having now had a chance to have a blether with you I can see You have yet a lot to give to your country , but your duty is to yourself in the meantime. Time heals have a good rest over the festive period

    • Bob

      Thanks for the coffee and the advice. My rational brain totally understands that I have to go through a process and that it will take time and it will hurt, but then I have no control over the emotions and that is what makes the whole thing so hard but I know I will get through it somehow and come out the other end. Will be in touch in the new year to have another coffee.

      Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. Thank you for your summary of 2021. Politically a dark year which has tested even the strong in their hopes for Independece. In your personal life you seem to have turned a corner by learning appropriate lessons and accepting responsibility for errors. Ennuff said!

    My own hopes for 2022 are pinned on Sovereignty Affirmed in Scotland and Withdrawal from The Treaty. Saor Alba!

    • Neil

      You are spot on, what a crap year politically and next year I suspect will be worse but I also hope that more people will see through Sturgeon and the SNP before it is too late and we lose it all. Personally, yeah there are a lot of lessons that I have to learn and take on board to bring about change and I will get there. I am 53 now and I am done with hiding away and not getting out there and actually living my life so I am going to give it a go and take advantage of opportunities that come my way if this f pandemic ever ends.

      Thanks for commenting.

  7. douglasgibb9405 says:

    your blogs and appearances on podcasts have been excellent through the year. genuinely Hooe that things start looking up, both on a personal and independence front. I loved your response to the school census, as a nurse I can understand why these questions need asked with regard to gaining information to form policy, I felt that many other commentators went for a knee jerk, pearl clutching reaction. I believe the way the census has been set up with zero privacy for the children amongst other practical Concerns defeats any reasonable purpose there may once have been. I can’t wait to continue reading your posts in the new year. don’t let the buggers find you down and fight the good fight.

    • Douglas

      Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. I just decided that I would face my mental health issues full on and honestly without medication which is not an option for me. I know it’s going to be a long road with small steps forward and large ones back but I’ll do my best. The blog is really just my opinion and my desire to learn from others also and thank you for reading it as that is really flattering.

      Thanks for commenting.

  8. ObairPheallaidh says:

    Thanks Bruce. Your writing is appreciated.
    Here’s to a better 2022.

  9. Cactus says:

    Howde grumpyscottishman, ahm the same, cheers to ye & 2021, thank you saying what you’re saying, it’s important to say hi back thx and you got it, interaction is everything, your stage,

    Here’s to our ’22, if not seventeen.

    2021 was an interesting year.

    Ah’ll be back if aye may.


  10. Cactus says:

    Dude, can I replace that last song with this one please…

    It’s better, cheers man:

    Howsabout these… next three minutes?!

  11. Cactus says:

    Enchante mon ami, tis good to be alive, keep it going dude, ye be fine host.

    Substitute Sylvia’s name for a n other… listen again and again and again.

    Let’s move forwards…

    To 22!

  12. Cactus says:

    In the beginning…

    There was Scotland.

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