Something Different: Batman

My favourite super hero character has always been Batman. There have been many takes on the character over the years as well as a few movies, so here is my preference and take on the movie.

As I said there have been a few Batman movies over the years so here are my thoughts.

Batman (1989)

Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as The Joker were both excellent in this first really serious take on the character. For me Michael Keaton is only actor who has been able to play both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Jack Nicholson was the best Joker and played the part so well. This was a dark movie by Tim Burton and remains my favourite.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

This was an excellent third instalment in the Christian Bale Batman movies. Great action and a good story. I think it maybe could have been darker in some ways but Christain Bale plays the older reluctant Batman very well and overall an excellent Batman movie.

Batman Returns (1992)

As dark as the first one, some would say darker, but not as good in some ways. Michelle Pfeiffer played Catwoman pretty well and the Penguin played by Danny Devito was also well played. Michael Keaton I thought played Batman really well again but probably needed a better story, and possibly needed to get darker as Batman in the sense of becoming more brutal in the role.

The Dark Knight (2008)

A good film that showed the way that Bruce Wayne was becoming consumed by Batman. Heath Ledger was good as the Joker, but not as great as people made him out to be. The Harvey Twoface character might have been played a little better as the film didn’t show the descent into madness all that well but still a good film.

Batman Begins (2005)

I liked the fact that the first in the Christian Bale movies explained the back story a lot better than had been done previously. I think they could have made more on the Wayne Enterprises story and maybe a little less on the flamboyant Bruce Wayne but they would have needed more time but still a good movie.

Batman v Superman (2016)

The Directors Cut is the version to watch as it explains things better. The Director said that Christian Bale could not have played this Batman as the time line was different. That was bullshit in my opinion as you see the destroyed Wayne Manor in the film but it is what it is.

Ben Affleck was pretty good as the older Batman, better than I thought he would be, but not great. The film I suppose could have been a lot better.  Jesse Essenberg was both a terrible choice to play Lex Luther, and a terrible performance that nearly ruins the whole film. Henry Cavil plays Superman well but overall DC just don’t get this film right. Many liked the introduction to Wonder Woman but as I have not watched the Wonder Woman film I am not sure if it fits or not.

Batman (Original) (1966)

Obviously the one most of us will remember and a total romp and campfest. Adam West played Batman as a kids character which represented the times I suppose. Terrible dialogue and action but a lot of fun in all of its glorious stupidity. Everything also had a Bat prefix, Batmobile,Batcopter,Batrope lol.

Batman Forever (1995)

Really bad in all areas. Val Kilmer was a terrible choice of Batman and Chris O’Donnell terrible as Robin. Not a good story line at all and while some good actors in this version like Tommy Lee Jones there are no good performances, I wont ever watch this film again, shit.

Batman and Robin (1997)

Really really really shit. Even with all the big names this film was a disaster and George Clooney goes down as the worst ever Batman for me. I just don’t like anything about this film at all.

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2 Responses to Something Different: Batman

  1. Ricky says:

    Love Batman , but Cesar Romero has to be the best Joker, so much fun watching him hamming it up , having said that Mark Hamill plays a great Joker in the animated Batman movies and series . You should really check the animated Batman stuff , its played a lot darker than the movies , more akin to what Batman was supposed to be .

    Keaton wasn’t bad , Clooney was awful , Kilmer was meh , Bale watchable , Affleck almost got it right but the movie wasn’t great and the ‘Martha ‘ link was so bloody awful it ruined it for me .

    So who for you would make a good Batman and Joker ?

    • Anonymous says:


      I haven’t seen the animated series but have read some of the comics and the Nolan Films I think come closest.

      I think most of the 60s series actors were good actors but the series was just too silly for me, even as a kid I never loved it but watched it. Burgess Merideth was outstanding as the Penguin though but silly.

      My favourite Batman remains Keaton, he pulls off both characters really well and no one has other than him. Affleck might do it longer term but as you say he has been let down so far. I would stick with Nicholson for the Joker, he gets the madness right for me, Ledger never got the balance right.

      I hope the Affleck films go darker but I think DC will mess it up, they have so far and certainly Suicide Squad has its moments but overall was poor. Man of Steel was ok though.

      Thanks for commenting.


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