So it begins

So 6 weeks of hell begins – and if you feel that you must vote from the colony, then at least make sure you are informed as best you can be. Don’t watch or read the mainstream news, they don’t do truth, which brings me to (Sir) Keir Kidstarver, the man of the people.

Ultra British Labour will probably win the English Parliament election, English voters have pretty much, according to the polls, decided to stick with the Tories in power. Red Tories who will be imposed on the colony of Scotland no matter how it votes, now given the shit show that is the SNP the colonised might actually vote ultra British Labour, more fool them.

Before you think of casting your meaningless vote for British Labour, just take into account that while we know that politicians are liars, Starmer takes lying to a whole new level, and if you believe that British Labour will be better for our colony, think again. Starmer has pledged, I know lol, to stick to all the blue Tory Policies apart from trying to fly nasty foreigners to other countries, the man is a political skid mark of the kind that you need double strength bleach to shift, think about that if you must cast a vote in the English elections.

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