Odds and Ends Thursday 11th April 2024

The Hootsmon are having a wet dream – So the British Labour Party may be ahead in the polls and in their usual democracy denying stance the Hootsmon say

For 17 years, the SNP has traded on nationalist sentiments and blamed outsiders – Westminster – while deliberately trying to engineer an exaggerated ideological divide between Scotland and England. This, combined with a spurious vision of life after independence, has proved to be a compelling enough message to enable the party to keep power.

Of course the 17 years in power has nothing to do with England becoming more right wing, and racist, in those 17 years, nothing to do with the lack of democracy in the colony given that no matter who we send to the English Parliament it makes no difference whatsoever. Nothing to do with some decent left of centre policy that at least tried to mitigate the horrific cuts to the pocket money from the British Parties that the Hootsmon so desperately want to see back in control of all the colony.

I am bias, I will admit – but the hysteria around Dens Park right now is a joke. Children being bombed to death in Gaza, cost of living still causing hardship all over the colony, the British continuing to give away our taxes to support war in Ukraine, farmers warning that the biblical rain over the last year will seriously impact food production in the colonies, at a time when we actually don’t grow enough of our own food as it is, and what are the headlines on the news, in the unionist rags, it is the fact that Dundee Football Club have had to cancel a game because of heavy rain again, rain that has barely stopped in Dundee since last September.

You have to wonder if this game wasn’t against the Kings, Glasgow Rangers (2012), then nothing much would have been said, but it does highlight how vacuous our so-called news is now.

On a more serious note – this is actually alarming. Farmers are warning that crops in the colonies are going to pretty much fail this year due to the fact that it has basically been raining for a year.

Farmers warn ‘crisis is building’ as record rainfall drastically reduces UK food production

Farmers warn ‘crisis is building’ as record rainfall drastically reduces UK food production. Reduction in yields means the UK will be dependent on imports for wheat in the coming year and possibly beyond. It has been an exceptionally wet 18 months. According to the Met Office, 1,695.9mm of rain fell from October 2022 to March 2024, the highest amount for any 18-month period in England in recorded history. The Met Office started collecting data in 1836.

We stopped growing our own pretty much when Thatcher, followed by British Labour, embraced neoliberalism which chased cheap food from abroad grown by workers on starvation wages at a cost of now being in this state. We allowed land to deteriorate to the extent that it is no good for growing food, great for shooting grouse, and for tax avoidance though.  With changes to rules on imports from the EU away to start to hit the colonies, we can all expect the cost of living crisis to get worse, maybe a lot worse. This is just another benefit of being a colony of England.

Blind leading the blind – It really doesn’t matter who leads the SNP English Parliament election campaign, they are going to lose big either way.

The Nationalists announced yesterday that outgoing MP Stewart Hosie would be handed responsibility for this year’s crunch general election campaign.

The amount of people who have told me that they are just not voting in the English Parliament elections is growing by the day. No one in my family is voting now, many of my friends are not going to bother, or will spoil their ballot paper. Most of the folk I know have resigned themselves to the simple fact that Westminster is the English Parliament, it doesn’t matter if we send SNP MPs, or house jock MPs, down there, we have no say, no influence.

The recent embarrassment when the SNP Gaza vote was hijacked by British Labour with the support of the British Labour Speaker, who is still in his job, after the fake outrage of the SNP in the English Parliament says it all. The SNP do not deserve our vote, neither do the coloniser parties so that basically leaves spoiling our paper, or not voting at all given that Alba / ISP just won’t make any inroads, and it would make no difference either way. Maybe a period of unionist rule across the board will be the final wake-up call to voters in the colony, but I won’t hold my breath.

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