A few things from today – Monday 11th September 2023

Kevin McKenna not far wrong today – If there is one thing, other than the destruction of independence pretty much for years, the Alex Salmond stitch-up, the millions lost in court cases, the ferries, GRR, Hate Crime Bill, alleged financial dodginess in the SNP, Covid – 19, ok more than one thing bothers me but if there is one of many things it is what Nicola Sturgeon has done to Police Scotland and Justice in this country.

She took a once proud and decent legal system, supported by a basically competent Police Force and turned it into a woke system of justice that appears to target the victims, women, and independence supporters who are not state-approved.

It seems, though, that in matters of alleged hate crime, there is one law in Scotland for influential government ministers and another when the victims are women expressing reasonable and protected beliefs around sex and gender.

The SNP MP Joanna Cherry put it starkly in a recent column for The National.  

“The police lost no time in arresting and charging someone for allegedly shouting ‘deviant’ at Patrick Harvie while the young men who displayed disgusting signs advocating extreme violence against women at a rally in Glasgow earlier this year have seemed very hard to track down despite their photographs being plastered across the media after unwitting politicians were photographed standing in front of them.

Woke Police, cancel culture, a judicial system that many feel is even more corrupt than it was before, none of this is good. Writing a blog, even an ill-informed one like this one doesn’t come without its risks, you have to review every word written to make sure you do your best to not get a visit from Scotland’s Political Police Force, of course no one should spout hate and prejudice, encourage crime or incite violence, but freedom of speech is more vital than many things and right now in Scotland, thanks to the nightmare that was the Sturgeon, that no longer exists in the colony.

THE police seem to have embraced this new interpretation of what protecting the public means, aka “if you don’t like the look of them arrest them”.

Pretend Scot and arch-Unionist – the overrated in every way Andrew Marr must have had the wrong kind of mushrooms for breakfast yesterday when he said,

“For my money, he is one of the most talented of the younger generation of Labour politicians anywhere in the UK,” said Marr. “Watch that man.”

Yeah, watch him alright, Sarwar will sell out the colony in a second once he gets the chance like every unionist branch manager in the colony has on behalf of the English colonizing Labour Party. Anas Sarwar, whose family are so socialist they pay poverty wages and deny union recognition in the family firm, is so bereft of talent that he makes Richard Leonard look like a political giant and Andrew Marr. Well, he is only where he is because he toes the line better than most, sucks up to the establishment, is deluded and sold out years ago, another whose zero talent in journalism is more than matched by the world-class talent in kissing buttocks. Remember his disaster in 2014 where everything he touched was wrong, he still is.

Quaking in their boots – You have to laugh at the state of the UK, and its delusions of actually being a power on the world stage.

The government is facing pressure to take stronger action against Beijing after a parliamentary researcher was arrested amid accusations he spied for China.

The Tory mentalists are shouting for tougher action against China, lol, yeah right.

Sir Alex Younger, the former head of MI6 said the country should probably be designated a “state of concern” in the UK’s security.

If the Chinese military farted in the direction of what’s left of the UK Armed Forces they would melt. No doubt the UK tries to spy on everyone, hundreds of years of practice during the main colonization period, and it is probably about the only thing the UK is good at anyway, in our colony, the state seems to spend more time looking at their own.

What is China going to learn anyway? That the UK is broke, has no military worth speaking about, people are starving, education and health on their knees, corrupt politicians and businesses, don’t make anything all that much, yeah all they will see is that the UK is where China was 30 years ago, I wouldn’t think they are all that bothered.

It did and he won’t deliver either – Now I actually agree with Sarwar that the programme for Government announced by the SNP last week was just the same old politics from tired parties in Government, re-announcement, uncosted promises, things kicked down the road, no reform, no ambition but that is exactly what Labour are offering too. When Sarwar talks about windfall taxes, and ending non-dom status, you know that is just rubbish. He has no power as a branch manager, Starmer the lying Tory is not going to tax his pals in any way, and he won’t allow a branch manager in the colony to decide any sort of policy no matter how much Andrew Marr might try to big him up.

Our politics are tired, corrupt, unambitious, unfair, and bereft of talent. If I hope for one thing in the Rutherglen vote it is that people realise that and vote for something different, in this election ISP I hope, Alba should have stood in my opinion. Labour will probably win and that will say more about our cowardice and the state of our politics rather than anything the next set of management colonizers have to offer the colony.

Right and Wrong at the same time – Alex ‘Unionist’ Massie is correct when he says on the polarization of Scottish politics

Sturgeon nods towards accepting her share of responsibility for this depressing state of affairs but I strongly doubt she truly recognises it.

Massie is wrong when he says

There are few truly impressive figures on the opposition benches but even mediocre Labour, Tory, and Liberal Democrat MPs deserve better than the constant, baseless accusation they are only interested in “talking Scotland down”.

That is all the unionists do, it is all they have ever done, they are even worse than the 90-minute patriots infecting the Yes movement. I wonder what they do when the national anthem gets to the part “and be a nation again”, I suppose that is the words they just can’t ever remember. Massie is right the SNP are a bit of a joke, and have made intolerance a policy platform, but to suggest that the unionists are any better is just mushroom soup of the wrong type of soup.

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2 Responses to A few things from today – Monday 11th September 2023

  1. panda paws says:

    Well the police only gave a warning to a prostate owner who physically assaulted a woman in a public park, don’t bother arresting the “decapitate terfs” sloganeer but hey insult Patriarch Harvie even when he insults you back, you’re nicked!

    I’ve no time for Sarwar though he may be slightly more talented then his fellow Hutchie Grammer alumni Yousaf and all this bumming him up is so that Labour become the biggest party in Scotland. “Independence is finished the people don’t want it” they’ll say.

    Then I think they’ll introduce a “Great Britain” is indivisible law a la Spain (not UK due to Good Friday Agreement) and say well the majority of Scottish MPs voted for it so Scotland agreed. Or am I too cynical? Spain at least held a referendum but with a gun to the people’s head, don’t agree than martial law continues!

    I wish Colette Walker every good luck in her campaign in RHW and if Yes supporters can’t vote for the current shitshow that is nuSNP, at least come out and vote for a genuine indy party rather than stay at home!

    • PP

      I think they might try a new union treaty but I don’t thnk it would wash but the longer we go on like this we might up where you suggest. Sarwar is as talentless as they come, I am sick of all of them now pretty much. Some more bearlable than others and a couple of decent ones like MacAskill and Hanvey but they will lose their seats next year. I do think that Alex Salmond is one of the best strategists we have but he also appointed Sturgeon and brought her through so has to take a little responsibility for that. I am pretty much ISP now to be honest, they are the most radical and in Colette Walker they have someone who I feel is genuine and I really hope voters at some point give them a chance as while I like Alba, and many of those invovled, they are not radical enough and not sitting in Rutherglen is reaching out to the SNP one too many times when that party need to be ended now. Our politics of the same old same old is not enough anymore, we need something different, something that is thinking a bit more out of the box and less fear of upsetting the establishment and the upper middle classes, we do need to find some guts like the scandanavians we really do and when they brought in higher taxes and buisiness taxes, guess what no one left.

      Thanks for commenting.

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