A few things from today – Thursday 24th August 2023

There might not be an SNP soon – I won’t lose any sleep over it that is for sure as I would be happy for this party to end rather than linger on. Wings covers this today in detail so I won’t go into the specifics as there is nothing I can add to the excellent Stuart Campbell other than my opinion on the legacy of the Sturrells.

An SNP spokesperson said: “2022 was a challenging year for all political parties – with nationwide local authority elections, costs rising, and members understandably cutting back on donations due to a Westminster-made cost of living crisis.

“However, as we move forward, the SNP is determined to balance its accounts in preparation for the Westminster election in 2024.”

Will Murray Foote even get paid? He might be regretting his new employment already but to be honest I just don’t care. The independence movement does not need a political wing that is in this state it really doesn’t. The more that comes out surely will result in even the staunchest carrot eaters accepting that Nicola Sturgeon could not have been a bigger failure if she tried and she needs to be gone from that party. Even the Tories got rid of Johnson, Sturgeon is now a reminder of abject failure the longer she sits in Holyrood and can only do more harm as we go forward.

The climate emergency is real and I do not doubt that for one minute – I am also not against overseas aid as I am not a heartless bastard but right now when we can’t afford adequate public services we do need to look at what we spend and how. £24 million out of the Scottish Budget is maybe small fry in some ways, it may even help with attracting overseas investment in some small way, it will certainly make Yousaf feel important but there is just a part of me now that thinks we should maybe be looking to receive overseas aid now given that the UK is pretty much a broke shit hole, food banks, poverty, low wages, all of the things that make the third world sadly what it is are being embraced in the UK and the colony.

Am I wrong for feeling this way? Is it just me?

She is not wrong is she? I have all but given up on seeing independence in my lifetime, To be honest, there are days when I just think Scotland is a colony of too many cowards, the ignorant, the lazy, and the I’m alright so f the rest of you. It is what colonization does I guess.

Asked by Matt Forde what was more likely in the next ten years, the Second Coming or an independence referendum, she said: “Well, I mean that is both political and problematic. I think they both have an equal likelihood of happening, but I think probably the Second Coming could happen at literally any time, you know, in the next hour.

So the headline as usual is not exactly what Kate Forbes said but we can get the jist of it. It is an honest, and sad, reflection of where the colony is right now. I know I have banged on about it for ages and I am at risk of repeating myself but honestly, the Sturgeon legacy just stinks even more every day for me. Sturgeon has got to go down as worse than Thatcher and even makes Gordon Brown look decent, says it all really.

The headline in this case does sum up the colony – GRANT a referendum, yeah that is our status and as long as we believe we require the colonizers to approve a little bit of democracy for the colony we are screwed in every way.

Jeremy Corbyn has said he hopes there is a referendum on Scottish independence “soon” and that a future Labour government would support it.

I don’t really give all that much of a crap about what Jeremy Corbyn thinks to be fair but we are way beyond the colonizers ever agreeing to another referendum unless aliens attack our airport, the Russians drop a nuke on Faslane, the wind stops blowing, our water resembles the Thames in quality, Oil and Gas runs out, and even then the chances of a referendum will be slim, what don’t people get in this colony.

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9 Responses to A few things from today – Thursday 24th August 2023

  1. Alastair says:

    Sturgeon has done her job for the Brits of destroying the SNP from within. She along withthe rats that run the Unionists cabal must all go . However other political independance parties are being infuriated by the same women labourite agents. The dog mated approach Alba is showing by supporting the rigged voting franchise is just one example that wont deliver independence. I agree we need radicalism not operating to Westminster rules a political movement rather than a party is what is needed ,whether this is a Yes Scotland or a Decolonialisation party ,something is needing to be created. Alba are to busy trying to suck up to the SNP they should be reaching out to the ISP and the others.

    • Alastair

      I am coming around to the idea of Salvo, and I do think now that ISP are the political vehicle. I have left the Alba party as I am just not convinced they won’t play by British rules and just lost my faith in them when they didn’t contact the other parties about Scotland United, even though I have always felt Scotland United was not going to work, I think it is about Alba hoping to pick up the crumbs from the SNP while not radical enough. Sturgeon I think has more than likely been got at, I don’t usually go down that road, I think the SNP is infiltrated but I think the likes of Sturgeon, Wishart have been got at and Robertson I have never liked or trusted, he is def of the night as far as I am concerned.

      Thanks for commenting.

    • 100%Yes says:

      We have no intention of renewing or voting for the Alba party at the next Westminster election, Alex Salmond has SNP and Tories all the way down his spine. I despise the Tories and considering Salmond has been spouting for the decades that Scotland never votes Tory and how bad they are for Scotland and here he is cozy up to them at the expense of the rest of us, this man hasn’t learnt a single lesson over the last decade.

      Salmond’s no more Interest in securing Independence unless it has England approval, To this day I find it so hard to believe why a leader of the biggest Pro-Indy party would hold a Referendum without knowing the basic answers to the questions like currency etc, he alone cost us our chance in 2014 to be Independent and he alone promoted Sturgeon to lead us and look at the mess we are in now. To be honest if the SNP fails i’ll have my finger crossed the Alba party fails as well because Sturgeon and Salmond are the problem for Scotland.

      I have put my faith entirely in the hands of Salvo here is Scotland true defender not Salmond or Sturgeon my experience is we have lost Sturgeon and now Salmond is on the grand Tour of Salmond, Mr ego trip but how long will it last.

  2. George Dale says:

    Here we go again. Why would the Russsians nuke Faslane? They, and not the Americans, have said they would not strike first with nukes. Try believing the Russians. Doing so would have saved upwards of 500,000 lives

    • George

      I was being ironic in repeating the scare stories used by Better Together to fool Scots, I don’t believe that the Russians would bomb Scotland, they probably don’t give all that much of a crap about Scotland at the end of the day other than Burns.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Black Rab says:

    Kate Forbes believes that a man who made the universe, who gave us 10 commandments, who hasn’t ever been seen, lives somewhere in the sky and will pop up at any moment and that Scotland having a vote on independence are just as equally likely………Jesus H Christ! Anyone who believes in that pile of nonsense will believe anything. Is it any wonder that this planet is in the state it is with morons going around spouting this shite. What is problematic is what is going on inside her head.

    • BR

      Faith is subjective for me, I have a faith, what that turns out to be I don’t know as no one does at the end of the day. Faith for myself is no more difficult to believe than the universe being formed from a speck of dust exploding in the darkness, both require ironically, faith. I do get what she is saying though and the point she was making, Sturgeon and the SNP have both betrayed us and failed badly, they have set us back decades at best if something drastic doesn’t happen soon. It is a sad state of affairs now.

      Thanks for commenting.

    • benmadigan says:

      Ms Forbes is not altogether wrong. Westminster will never, ever, sanction another Scottish Referendum because they know they could well lose. IndyRef1 was a close-run thing – too close run for comfort

      • Ben

        The British will never risk it again, they are cowards and colonizers, greedy bastards as well so we need to think out of the box. I won’t see independence in my lifetime I don’t think though now, Sturgeon has put paid to that in every way, she should go down as a disgrace to our history and I actually think she should be gone full stop from Hoilyrood. Absolute stain in every way.

        Thanks for commenting.

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