Could right wing England save Scotland the Colony

It might happen before Scotland becomes independent – BylineTimes Scotland has an article arguing for something that I have argued in the past and is something that given the inaction of the current British SNP could happen, English Independence is more likely to happen before Scotland ends its colonial status.

Scottish independence would provide the very necessary constitutional catalyst to deliver genuine, pragmatic reform within Westminster, on the practical timescale we need, for people living in England.

Do I care if the end of colonialism in Scotland saves England from itself, no I don’t care a jot. England is beyond saving as far as I am concerned, England has become a desolate right-wing undemocratic shithole of a country filled with even more right-wing ignorant voters than we have ignorant unionist voters. Of course, there are decent people in England who care about the same things that many in the YES movement care about, fairness, the end of poverty, refugees, and social services but they are even more at a loss than we are right now, further away, England is descending into a right-wing insignificant joke on the world stage, as is the USA, and some nations in the EU.

Back in 2020 49% of Conservative voters supported English independence. The UK is a dying state, dying slowly but dying all the same, of course, the 1% who milk everyone in the shit hole that is the UK will milk it for all its worth, of course, they will

I cannot see a future for myself in the UK. Many of my friends are looking to emigrate (some, sadly, have done so already) because of the lack of opportunities, a decade of austerity, damage from Brexit, and the cost of living. (Callum Fox)

but we cannot be dragged down by what is the drift to fascism that is happening in England. It doesn’t matter if it is Conservative Tories, Labour Tories, or Liberal Tories in power nothing will change in colonial Scotland other than the continued decline, a decline of our public services, our communities, our health, our economy, our renewables, all will be stolen from us by the right in England as long as we allow them to plunder the colony the same as they plundered in their history of colonialism, colonialism that sadly still many fake Scots support.

For democratic, social, economic, and climate justice to be realised, within the timescale we require, England needs Scottish independence – just as Scotland does. (Callum Fox)

I am all for English Independence, I support it, and I would welcome it, and I would campaign for it. Scotland is being dragged down into the sewer of English ignorance and hate, if that is not yet another reason to wake up the carrot eaters then nothing will.

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5 Responses to Could right wing England save Scotland the Colony

  1. duncanio says:

    England effectively annexed Scotland in 1707 for the purposes of territorial expansion, acquisition of natural resources and prestige of conquest.

    Since that time the British Empire has waxed into a gigantic Empire controlling at its zenith around 25% of the World (and exploiting it ruthlessly) before collapsing in on itself to the equivalent of a Red Dwarf planet in the cosmos with only the ‘home countries’ and perhaps The Falkland Islands and Gibraltar coming under its thumb at present.

    Scotland has only around 8% of the population of this island but

    • One third of the landmass
    • 96% of all the oil
    • 65% of all the gas
    • 90% of all the surface fresh water
    • The only deep water ports able to facilitate nuclear submarines

    The English/British elites know all this.

    They will never allow English ‘Independence’.

    • Duncanio

      You’re more than likely spot on but nothing would surprise me now about the direction that England moves in. The more right they go the more loathing they have for anything not English, that could push them towards more isolationism than they have now, the question may well be can the YES movement exploit that if it did happen, the SNP certainly wouldn’t we can bet on that.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. Anonymous says:

    you voted for it all by voting for brexit – own it

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