Stupidity in Denial

On the day that there has been another arrest in the SNP scandal – carrot eaters are hurling abuse at Craig Murray. Now you don’t have to agree with all or any of what Criag writes or believes but there is no doubt that he is a man of principle and integrity. Social media can be toxic, and most of us know that and some of us have experienced it but the denial of the Nicola Sturgeon worshippers really is unbelievable, what don’t they get, what can’t they see. Is their grief so bad that it has blinded them to not only the truth but to reality.

Craig Murray went to prison so we got the truth during the Alex Salmond court case when the unionist media just point-blank refused to report any facts from the case, if anything the so-called Scottish media, foreign-owned as it all is in our colony, suppressed the truth. Sturgeon betrayed a country through her incompetence and her own sense of ego, no one in any sane mind can deny that fact now.



Nicola Sturgeon is guilty, guilty of failure at everything she touched as First Minister, guilty of being the leader of a party that she has all but destroyed now, doesn’t matter what her role was, she was the leader so she is accountable. Craig Murray betrayed Scotland, are these people self-aware, do they think, and feel, do they have a brain between them.

As my reply is clear, Nicola Sturgeon played us all for mugs, she took over a booming party and has pretty much led it to destruction, as she has the colony also. She will go down in the same vein as Thatcher if history is honest. In my opinion, she needs to resign as an MSP, as a member of the SNP, she needs to go. She needs to do the things she told Alex Salmond to do, the difference being he was found innocent, and the jury is still out on the Sturgeons.


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9 Responses to Stupidity in Denial

  1. theflyinscotsman says:

    Great piece again Grumpy!
    Although we all know what went on as you really don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work it out, it leaves me wondering who the scapegoats going to be.

    • theflyinscotsman

      It will be interesting to see who is next and I am surprised Sturgeon has not resigned. Surely if she has to undertake the same process as the others so far she has to go but the fact that she has not resigned shows the brass neck of the woman doesn’t it.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. duncanio says:

    These people are negotiating their way through the grief highway:

    1. Denial
    We’re on our way to Indy/Referendum.
    We’ll always be with her, the sun shines out of her backside.
    Nobody’s been arrested, did you see anybody being arrested?
    We’re still the biggest party, everything’s fine.

    2. Anger
    It’s Alba/Salmond plot to get our dear departed leader.
    You’re all liars and Yoons.
    It’s all a Wings/Craig Murray plot.
    F**k anyone who criticises the sainted one.

    That’s probably where they are at the moment … the stage of lashing out at everything and anything that so much as says things may not be quite what they should be within the SNP.

    Coming soon (I reckon):

    3. Bargaining

    Maybe the party weren’t perfect but let the SNP lead the YES movement.
    Humza will take us to Indy – please, please, please give him a chance.

    4. Depression
    The (Scottish National) party’s over, I’m giving up.
    What’s the point of Independence anyway?

    5. Acceptance
    Well that’s the end of the SNP affair but we still need Independence.
    Let’s get on with it.

    • Duncanio

      Excellent take on the various stages of grief, brilliant. I do think the SNP are pretty much over medium term. If useless had been tough and had a major clear of the troughers then I would have said there was some hope but not now. They are all like rats in a sack with their statements while the worshippers are having real difficulty in accepting the truth and are on lash out overdrive, it would be funny if it wasn’t all so sad.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Stuart MacKay says:

    Well the faithful went all in with their support for the Dear Leader. Now they have a substantial amount of back-pedalling to do and are looking considerably foolish in the process. No wonder they are angry and upset and take it out on whoever just happens to point out the error of their ways.

    I’m sure Craig, consciously or unconsciously, wants his, well deserved, pound of flesh, given what he was put through. However, I’m sort of with Robin McAlpine on this one. Just leave them alone to deal with it and move on. Rubbing their noses in it, hard, is mighty tempting though.

    Events are still unfolding. I’d expect the faithful will be ridden with angst when Sturgeon has her interview with Police Scotland and no doubt there’s much worse to come after that. I doubt the faithful will be able to handle it, so much so, that many will flip completely and become staunch unionists as a result. Fun times.

    • Stuart

      It is a very fair point you make, I will need to read Robin’s article as just catching up on things tonight. I don’t take any pleasure in the downfall of the SNP, or even in the fact that I was banging on about Sturgeon as far back as late 2015. We need a political vehicle for moving forward but it won’t be the SNP. I do think Alba/ISP might need to look at some form of a merger in the longer term. Maybe if the SNP fall and egos can be put aside a YES Scotland Party, set up properly, and ran by the wider community could emerge but that is probably wishful thinking and too grown up. But yeah you’re correct we probably should just leave them to it now as far as the party goes and just try our best to get Government Policy moving in the right direction.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. 100%Yes says:

    I just don’t believe the people left in the SNP support Independence, if they did, they wouldn’t have picked Humza Yousaf.
    They seem void from seeing any form of truth or even written evidence. Not to suspend Nicola or her husband I believe is leading to a cover up.
    The SNP politicians aren’t even bothered about what’s happening apart from 1 or 2.

    Criag Murray should just ignore them you can’t educate a brick wall.

    • 100%YES

      They are certainly angry and lashing out, aren’t they. I don’t know how they must feel as I have never held any politician in high esteem, even the ones I have time for. They all end in failure pretty much. I did hope that Yousaf would grow a spine and have a real clear out of all of the troughers but no, he has promoted many of them and is praising others who have pretty much destroyed the party while the guilty ones, we know who they are, are suddenly expressing that they never knew there were problems but they see them now, they must think we are all assholes. I am sad that the main political vehicle to independence sets us back but I won’t miss the SNP if they end, they have betrayed us all.

      Thanks for commenting.

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