Odds and Ends Sunday 12th February 2023 – From Sturgeon to the State Police

The End is Nigh? Is this the beginning of the end of Nicola Sturgeon as it looks like common sense is starting to prevail, or it could just be a false dawn I suppose?






Julie Bindal certainly gives a damning verdict on Nicola Sturgeon when she writes

“For Sturgeon, women were collateral damage in her plan to be seen as the wokest politician. It is crucial to remember that her plans for self-identification would have also allowed trans-identified males access to women’s domestic violence refuges, hospital wards and all other single-sex spaces. This has to be the end of self-ID — and hopefully the end of Sturgeon. She threw women to the wolves and for that she will never be forgiven”.

Once the wider public in Scotland learned more about GRR, and what it meant in areas like Prisons then it was always going to go wrong. The committee stage was a sham, it was hardly mentioned in previous elections, the SNP only consulted with those that they funded pretty much to get the answers they wanted. At the end of the day, this is Nicola Sturgeons’ mess, she needed to take a common ground approach. Virtually no one is against transgender rights, no one, but self-id at 16 without a medical certification and access to women’s only spaces was never going to be accepted by the wider public. You can’t drink alcohol at 16 or buy it, you can’t smoke at 16 or buy tobacco but you can change your gender without medical support, yeah that was always going to be accepted. I think Nicola Sturgeon should go now, not for this issue but for the shocking governance of Scotland.

Our State Police – And so it rumbles on and on and on. Police Scotland after what is now 18 months have eventually started to contact key witnesses about taking more substantive statements regarding the alleged missing £600,000 of indy ref money. Apparently, the police have now been asked to include a six-figure loan from Ms. Sturgeon’s husband to the party in their inquiry. Peter Murrell, the SNP chief executive, loaned £107,620 the day after a party leadership meeting discussed the funding being looked at by police, the Herald on Sunday can reveal.

Police Scotland can act quickly when it suits though as allegedly Craig Murray was contacted within 24 hours regarding the self-hack of SNP MP Stewart McDonalds emails by um Stewart McDonald. It is really difficult to not seriously suspect that Police Scotland has been politically compromised and that does nothing to foster any faith in the law or the Police in Scotland, I had very little to begin with, now it is pretty much nonexistent. Wonder what the bets are for never seeing anything from the emails or the fraud case.

The BBC are front and centre of the lies at the heart of the Tories – So the BBC has been undermined, give me a break. Labour and the Tories have made political appointments to the BBC for years. The BBC, especially news, is as corrupt and broken as any in the world. The BBC is the mouthpiece of the establishment, either Tory or Labour makes no difference. They helped the Brexit cause by reporting Tory lies to an eager right-wing electorate in the North of England who soaked it all up and now the politicians are panicking and holding secret meetings because they have destroyed the joke that was the UK.

I voted to leave, I do regret it now given the shambolic handling of it, but I have always favored a more EFTA-type membership of the EU as for me the EU is as corrupt as the UK and all the rest across the world, just maybe not as bad in a few ways. They are all neo-liberal and accountable to the wealthy and corporations rather than the people they pretend to serve. We so badly need a change in the colonial UK. If Scots won’t vote for independence then the UK needs PR, and a serious change in political parties as the level of uselessness and incompetence beggers belief now it really does.

I saw this pic on social media and thought it totally sums up the Tory attitude to the NHS in England but pretty much everywhere.



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7 Responses to Odds and Ends Sunday 12th February 2023 – From Sturgeon to the State Police

  1. Alastair says:

    When she goes it’s good riddance to bad rubbish. I personally will never forgive the persecution of Patriots or the stealer of dreams. She should be incracinated in a high security prison on St Kilda for her crimes against the people , deceiving them in her false sham of pretenting to pursue independence while exactly doing the opposite , then theres the mismanagement of our country. How much lifes have been lost to colonial imposted austerity, or through the colonial mismanagement of Covid and dont forget Brexit and the destruction of buisness and trade. She has a lot to answer for. Compliance acquiescence and string the natives along is the only game she plays well.
    Her replacement worries me in that we dont need another Unionists plant .

    • Alastair

      I think she should go because she is a shocking First Minister and her governance of Scotland has been a disgrace, GRR is only the tip of the iceberg. She definitely betrayed the indy movement and who knows maybe she is a plant, you can’t be the worst First Minister and as bad as she is without it being deliberate in my opinion. Who takes over I don’t really care anymore, I will never vote SNP again no matter what they say or who leads them. I hold them in the same regard as I do Scottish Labour, they have betrayed the voters across the board and deserve nothing more than my contempt.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. lorncal says:

    “… or it could just be a false dawn I suppose?… ”

    Yes, it’s a false dawn. They, the ‘trans’ lobby will come back, and keep coming back until they are ousted from power, ousted from every public institution, especially the police and judiciary and court services, local government, the healthcare system, the NHS, and very other public and private body. We start by demanding a legal definition of ‘trans’. If and when that comes, we then ensure that ‘trans’, if it survives that ruling, is represented in Scotland as a defined and recognisable group, called ‘transwomen’/men with absolutely nothing to do with real women. That will force this parasitical group to fetch for itself right across the board. Should have been done long ago.

    • Lorncal

      I won’t hold my breath until Sturgeon is gone as she appears determined to fight until she is forced out but once the carrot eaters see their seats are at risk, their cushy pensions, and middle class worry less lifestyle they will turn. I would be happy to see the back of all of them now, they are worse than Scottish Labour for me. They have let all of us down.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. panda paws says:

    It was Craig himself who said the polis were at his door. I don’t think he’d have anything to gain by lying about it.

    As for the £600k, and the £107k, given that a number of people asked for their money back I wonder what the total amount refunded added up to???

    • PP

      I totally expected Craig to get a visit and wrote that in the previous blog so not surprised at all in any way with that. The SNP and the alleged missing money is an interesting one as it really shows up Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t have a great memory, just a very selective one.

      Thanks for commenting.

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