Transforming before our very eyes

Wings Over Scotland has yet another article today about the goings on of the leadership of the SNP Faraway Towns. On reading this latest instalment of what is going on with the leadership of the SNP and the National Executive Committee it is getting harder and harder to not think the party has been taken over by a woke army let alone a woke few. Everyone concerned about the party they lend their vote to and the impact that the influence of the woke are having should read Why Are You Not a Member by Iain Lawson, I would love to know how many members the party has now that is for sure.

Read the articles by Stuart Campbell and the articles by Ken MacAskill and tell me you are not concerned of what this could all mean for indepdence,

Only Connect
The Seizure of the Means
Crumbling Walls
Services Rendered
On No Accounts
A Government in Hiding
The Dodgy Dozen
The People in the Room
Six wasted Years

Read these articles and tell me you are not concerned at what is going on in the SNP. When a sitting MP can’t even get a response to his enquiries, when the accounts are still not published, when the NEC are taking over the candidate selection process as much as they can , when the Chief Executive of the party is caught sending tweets appearing to urge people to put pressure on the police regarding Alex Salmond, when the party hire two different legal firms, at the parties expense, to represent senior figures in the Holyrood Enquiry into the Scottish Governments handling of the Alex Salmond enquiry while on the other hand saying they will co-operate at the same time as with holding vital information then something is wrong.

The more I read about what is going on the more I believe that the SNP leadership are becoming New Labour and are going to blow our best chance ever of returning all sovereignty to Scotland. I blogged as far back as 2015 Changes a Foot about my concerns when still a member regarding the power grab by the NEC and this eventually led to my resigning my membership a month later, something I have never regretted to be honest and the more I learn five years later that it is even worse now the better I feel about not being a member of any political party. However, right now the SNP are our only vehicle of getting another referendum anytime soon but we are going to have to look at other options if Iain Lawson is correct and there is no mechanism for the membership to take back control of the party. I do believe the party has been infected by people whose priority is not independence, throw in the Pete Wishart’s, Alyn Smith’s, Stewart McDonald’s, Angus Robertson, and now Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon’s at the top of the party and we have a real problem, and that problem could end our independence dream if something isn’t done soon about it.

I know many of you won’t agree with me but I challenge you to read all of the articles and tell me there is not a serious problem with the leadership and NEC of the Scottish National Party. Independence is bigger than Nicola Sturgeon and those around her, if party members and MPs can’t influence what is going on then a lot of people in the wider yes community are going to seriously have to reconsider their vote, because I am sure like me, you do not want to vote for an SNP version of New Labour.

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4 Responses to Transforming before our very eyes

  1. Alan D says:

    Not New Labour… OLD Labour. What you’re seeing is the SNP becoming what old Labour used to be in Scotland – the only party you could actually get to do anything, because it was the one with all the local power, running all the councils and occasionally Westminster.

    I’ll concede that establishment parties always struggle with internal drama, which is something the SNP has kept a lid on for the last fourteen years. Conversely, infighting over a range of issues is something that old Scottish Labour was infamous for. Since the 100,000 joined after 2014, the SNP have inevitably been becoming more like what old Labour used to be.

    New Labour was only created when Blair rewrote their Clause IV to drop certain socialist values and Scotland’s participation in this process was almost irrelevant as it was an UK-wide party decision. Civil society in Scotland was still able to force that Labour party into a renewed devolution process in the 90s. The SNP’s party constitution still has “Independence for Scotland” as its primary objective and I’m sure we’d hear about it if Sturgeon tried to get rid of that…!

    • Alan

      You’re correct more old Labour and while many think the issues the party face are just a distraction the more your read the more you see that this distraction could affect the independence debate and that really can’t be allowed. I am still not convinced that some at the top of the party are ready to make a move on independence yet as I have said in previous blogs but I am also at the stage that I do believe that independence is bigger than any individual and if that means some at the top of the party have to go then so be it, including NS and her husband. I also think that the power grab if you like is even worse than it was when I left in , when long standing and respected members are leaving due to the lack of opportunity for the members to bring about change and the mechanisms for debate being closed down there is a serious problem that is unionist parties all the way. When the Liberal Democrats start to look more democratic in their structures you know there is a problem. Reading articles from Cherry and MacAskill I am also starting to think there is a battle coming in the party and pretty soon for it’s very soul, all of this at the worst possible time as well. They get my vote next year but it may well be the last if we don’t see movement on independence soon, as in the next 9 to 12 months at the very latest, anything less is a betrayal of the movement in my opinion, good governance is not enough. Time will tell though but things don’t good at all just now.

      Thanks for commenting and please stay safe. Bruce

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  2. g m says:

    Sturgeon must go and her entourage of hingers on go with her as It is probably a small group at the top that are the problem. I would be willing to be things start looking up straight away after that. Still not convinced about the general consensus on the why of it.

    • GM

      Certainly the more I see of the hearing into the Alex Salmond issue the more it doesn’t look good, how many of the inner circle have had to change their evidence suddenly remembering something they forgot to mention the first time. I am no fan of Jackie Bailey but she has been by far the best at trying to get to the bottom of this and is the one exposing things , totally to hurt the SNP but she is getting answers.

      Thanks for commenting. Bruce

      Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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