Ben’s Correct – are we all English Now?

Ben commented on the last blog – and made an excellent, and concise, statement on our circumstances, how they have always been.

All GE are English elections Bruce and always have been. Scotland, Wales and NI are not allotted enough seats in Westminster to make any difference whatsoever in the UK parliament. Basic democratic deficit

England is Britain. British is just a “nationality” for the non-English and those Unionists who desperately imitate the English, striving forever unsuccessfully to be accepted as English.

England acts as Britain (Brexit) and the rest of us just have to put up with it – until things change. They can. They did in Ireland in 1916-21.

Given that enough voters in Scotland are going to take part in the English Parliament Election, enough to give Westminster the belief that they have a mandate to continue to make all the important decisions in their best interests on our behalf I can’t help but go back to the idea that we might as well all be English now.

Things tend to be black and white for myself, either one thing or the other. There has always been that part of me that has felt that if we are stuck in this crappy union, if Scots are unwilling to grow a pair of balls to do what we need to do, if we so defeated, are the cowards that many appear to be, then let’s go all the way, let’s either all be England or change the law and end the four nations, Great Britain everything, no England, no Wales, no Scotland or Northern Ireland.

If we can’t have proportional representation, and federalism, then let’s end devolution. Do away with the extra expense, the extra politicians who are shite anyway. The UK is a failed state, the divisions make it even worse than it already is, if we don’t have the guts to reclaim our place as a proper independent nation then this middle road is not working so what is the point any more?

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3 Responses to Ben’s Correct – are we all English Now?

  1. duncanio says:

    England is Britain. British is just a “nationality” for the non-English and those Unionists who desperately imitate the English, striving forever unsuccessfully to be accepted as English.

    So Ben is saying that it is only the cringing Unionists in Scotland that wish to be English, a desire that will leave them forever disappointed.

    England acts as Britain (Brexit) and the rest of us just have to put up with it – until things change. They can. They did in Ireland in 1916-21.

    Unlike yourself, Ben obviously has not concluded that all is lost.

    • Duncanio

      I don’t think all is lost, but it is getting there, I suspect. If the corruption, the lying, the poverty, that poor state of services, the control for and by the elite is not enough to get people off of their arse to do something about it, then all is lost. This is the worst it has been in my lifetime, and yet too many in Scotland remain ignorant by choice, selfish by choice, greedy by choice. There is very little collectivism in Scotland, and around the world, we know what needs to be done, but the minority can’t do it alone, while the rest don’t appear to give a shit any more. It is a sad reflection of what I see around me.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. GM says:

    No. Naw. Chan eil.

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