
Doesn’t really begin to describe this English General Election – but the words I would like to use would probably get me banned from the internet.

The quote from George Orwell really does describe the choices available to those who are going to vote in the colony to place a stooge in the English Parliament to be corrupted, and to not represent them in any shape or form.


Corrupt politicians – well, the Tories would win that one hands down, would they! Saying that if Reform can get a few seats, they will push hard. There are a few in the British Labour Party that would sneak in through the front door as well.

Imposters – toss up between the champagne socialist of British Labour or the false believers of independence for our colony in the Scottish National Party. I suppose the Liberals would sneak in the back door, given they have done nothing to forward federalism in any shape or form, and only really believe in people having a say if it is not a referendum in the colony.

Thieves – Well given the standard of Government the last 45 years they all fit into that category, chasing British Gold, a lovely pension, a seat on a board. The English way.

Traitors – SNP and British Labour win that one hands down for different reasons, socialism and independence, just words with no meaning for those toilet stains.

I have been working from home this week off and on, so had the radio on, there is no doubt in my mind this is an English election. While I get that the people who phone in to those political shows are not representative of the larger population but the levels of ignorance, stupidity, racism, with a huge dash of little England has been worse than usual.

Of course, broadcasters, who ignore any kind of impartiality rules now, are mostly to blame. What passes for a media in this hole of a union are as thick as many of the people who call them to talk about the boats, more boats, and lazy bastards on welfare. The standard of debate, of challenging the candidates, of analysis, is very poor, and don’t mention Brexit or white van man will start frothing at the mouth.

I really can’t believe why anyone in our colony can be bothered to vote in this sham, I really cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to pretend we live in a democracy, or give any of those clowns a mandate. Not one person who gets any coverage has impressed in any shape or form, if I were voting then it would be ISP for myself, there really is no one else.


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6 Responses to Underwhelmed

  1. Anonymous says:

    I share a lot of your sentiments here, Bruce. And crazy as it may seem, maybe it would be better if things (politically) get worse. More people might then open their eyes to the absolute need for independence.

    • Anon

      I have often said the same thing, it truly does amaze me the amount of crap that Scots can take and keep asking for more. You would hope that once more dose of British Tory Labour will be enough to see us over the line, but that does remain a forlorn hope.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. Well Bruce, I agree with you on this. They really are just a parade of shit stains. There were no Alba or ISP candidates in my area so I posted my ballot paper two days ago with “#End the Union” on it. It was a toss up between that or “None of the Above”.

    • NIMN

      I ripped mine up and threw it in the bin, there is a very good Liberal candidate in my ward, but I won’t vote for a unionist candidate in a national election, although I do vote for my Liberal councillor in local elections because I look at them differently, and he is an excellent councillor. I really am done with voting in English elections now, I probably only have a few to go given my age, but I just will not give them a mandate any more, I am done with voting in their Election. There was no ISP in my area either, as that is possibly the only way I may have considered taking part.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. benmadigan says:

    “there is no doubt in my mind this is an English election”. 

    All GE are English elections Bruce and always have been. Scotland, Wales and NI are not allotted enough seats in Westminster to make any difference whatsoever in the UK parliament. Basic democratic deficit

    England is Britain. British is just a “nationality” for the non-English and those Unionists who desperately imitate the English, striving forever unsuccessfully to be accepted as English.

    England acts as Britain (Brexit) and the rest of us just have to put up with it – until things change. They can. They did in Ireland in 1916-21

    • Ben

      Spot on assessment, I have always known that but always lived in hope that if we were having to be stuck in this union then at the very least a federal system would eventually happen. I don’t hate English people or the people who live there, I just hate how they vote, I hate that they can’t see that it doesn’t work, not even for them as they are stuck between two Tory Parties but that I suppose it is what they want. Through history the English have pretty much been subservient, they won’t admit it, but they are as a people. The simple fact is the union needs to end as it doesn’t serve anyone any more other than the 1% but the jocks better wake up soon or it really is over and we might all as well be called all English.

      Thanks for commenting.

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