Who would be Scottish this morning lol

Who would want to be a colonised Scot? Crash, bang, wallop. I don’t usually bother with international football but as my daughter, and her boyfriend, came up to watch it on a larger TV I did, I predicted a 2-0 defeat, and then I saw the line-up, and the formation, and though oh shit.

Steve Clarke got every bit of that wrong last night.

I am no expert, but we should have played 4-2-3-1. However, Gunn is not good enough Clark should be in goal, Ralston not good enough, McGregor not good enough, Adam should be nowhere near a Scotland game. You play your only player who scores goals, Shankland, Adam can’t even get a game for Southampton. Porteus never good enough at this level, should have been Hanley with Souter in the squad. Our most talented player, Gilmour, on the bench.

I know overall Steve Clarke had done well for Scotland, but he can’t adapt games. He sticks to his favourite players no matter how poor they are, he makes very late substitutions. Scots ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory has been a lifelong trait my whole life. From singing that stupid anthem, the 90-minute patriots just grate on me.

When I was having a wee laugh at the end of the game, it just summed up everything about Scotland for me. A pretend country that sings of a past it doesn’t know, let alone understand, it lacks confidence in its own ability at every quarter that it can’t even select its own Scottish players, substandard fake Scots with Scottish Grand Parents picked over players who at least play the game here, were born in the colony.

I said weeks ago that we would lose all our games, and not score, we have lost the first and still haven’t scored as Germany scored an own goal. It is just a sad reflection of a bigger picture for me and sums up the colony to no end.


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8 Responses to Who would be Scottish this morning lol

  1. johntoal5 says:

    Stick to politics. That’s embarrassing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Its a fact the players can play football but they can’t play at professional level, they see the ball and run away or kick it anywhere down the field.

  3. Indyscotnews says:

    “…it just summed up everything about Scotland for me. A pretend country that sings of a past it doesn’t know, let alone understand, it lacks confidence in its own ability at every quarter that it can’t even select its own Scottish players, substandard fake Scots with Scottish Grand Parents picked over players who at least play the game here…”

    So very true. The colonial mindset affects every aspect of Scottish society and much of the Scottish psyche. The triumph of colonialism. A century form now indigenous Scots may be living in non-corporate reservations, and like so many other peoples, facing ethnocide.

    • Peter

      It does feel like that. I don’t agree with the grandparent rule in football, it is a con. I believe it should be parents only if you were born abroad, but we just have no confidence in ourselves. We draft in players who are English, Welsh, Australian, while not their fault, are no better, and often worse, than our own young players who play week in and week out in Scotland. I would rather get pumped with 11 Scots on the park than pumped with 6 Scots on the park, I am not being racist, it’s time we started to trust ourselves. Clarke also got the whole thing wrong from selection to formation, but we haven’t played well in a year, while he can’t change a game and his substitutions are often too little too late.

      Thanks for commenting.

  4. mickmaw says:

    Well I know very little about Football, however my husband played football for many years, as a junior player, and I read out your post & ran YOUR opinions by him, & he agreed with almost most of them, NOT all, but most, I also agree with you on the grandparent rule..

    My son is in Germany right now, and our supporters are just the best, he has been sending videos of every Street, bar or restaurant they have been in, and the German people are loving them, one of the videos was of hundreds of supporters in a restaurant singing “We know we are Shite” yet laughing & clapping & Germans enjoying their humour..

    Like You Bruce, I wonder why those 200,000 supporters can be so patriotic for 90 minutes, then go back home to settle down & do lose that patriosm.. They will travel the world supporting a Scottish National team, but won’t even join a march or rally or even VOTE for their own Independence..

    Wha’s like us indeed eh!

    • Mick

      Colonisation, I know guys who belt out flower of Scotland at every opportunity yet are unionists and would never vote yes. I am not a huge follower of international anything to be honest, I just don’t see us as a country, I really don’t. We are a colony, with potential that most real countries in the world would die for, yet here we are living under the rule of a parliament, and voters, from another country who are slowly but surely bleeding us dry. To be honest, I am not even proud to called a Scot, embarrassed to be regarded as British, I basically have no country. Yeah, I am forced to use a British passport but I would happily just have an ID card or a UN passport if that was an option. Sad fact really, but the older I get, the more entrenched I get in my embarrassment.

      I only watched the Germany / Scotland game because my daughter and her boyfriend wanted to watch it on my big TV but wished I hadn’t. I am no expert at football, I am a DFC fan, but even I know that Scotland with that selection could not play a back 3 with wing backs. Clarke has done well but he has been found out now as he never changes anything so we are as predictable in our football as we are in our politics.

      Thanks for commenting.

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