No Shame

Keeping one eye on the English Election – one thing that has really started to grate is the fact that Starmer, Sunak, and Davey are just taking us for a bunch of pricks. In the last week, these absolute clowns are either showing that they are just not out of touch with voters, they are on a different planet, or they are milking their own loss and emotional turmoil for all it’s worth to the extent that all it does is harden you against what is a situation that many can empathise with.

Sunak this week when asked what he went without growing up said that he had gone without Sky TV, that his parents came to the UK with nothing and faced real hardship. Sunak father was a GP, his Mother a Pharmacist. Sunak attended Winchester Private School, £52,000 a year, Sunak has a personal wealth of £730 MILLION POUNDS.

This pretending that he knows what it is like to go hungry, to go cold, to go without is not just one of the most insulting things this clown has done so far, but it is taking us all for mugs, while making a mockery of the real impact of poverty on people. This is the clown who asked a homeless man if he was in business, who left the Normandy centenary last week for a TV interview, said he went to McDs with his kids and bought things that aren’t on the menu, didn’t know how to use a contactless bank card, that he didn’t have any working class friends, bragged about taking funding from poor areas to give to wealthy Conservative areas.

This man has no clue, I don’t have anything against wealth as long as it’s taxed fairly, but this clown should never have been allowed near political office.

Starmer has tried to milk the fact that his Mum was a nurse, and his Dad a toolmaker until the pips squeak to try and ingratiate himself with, you’ve guessed it, working people. There have been rumours doing the rounds for years that his father owned the company, which Starmer refuses to deny or confirm, says it all. He goes on and on about how he supported his mother through serious illness, and how they only used the NHS. In fact, he has said, even with all of his now wealth, that he would not pay for private health treatment for his family if they were seriously ill, this man must think we are all thick as shit.

This clown pretends to be a man of the working class but who hailed Thatcher as being right about the economy, and laws that govern the dirty unwashed. This clown broke every pledge to become leader of the ultra-right British Labour Party. The man who said it was OK for Israel to destroy water, electricity infrastructure in Palestine, and to stop food getting to those starving. The man who supported Jeremy Corbyn, and both, Corbyn manifestos who now denies they were friends, while making jokes that the Tory manifesto is out of the Corbyn play book. This is the so-called socialist who had said he will not reverse one single benefit cut that the Tories have made.

Who votes for idiots, and liars, like Starmer.

Davey, while his family history is tragic, and does garner empathy, has been milking it for all it is worth as well on the election trail to the extent that yet again you start to become immune to it due to their opportunism. Ed Davie parents died when he was young, that is a real tragedy, he has a disabled son, that is a challenge that millions also share, and not to be downplayed, but to use it to try to show that you are a supporter of the NHS, that you get the day-to-day struggles of poor people, for myself, is shameless.

In trying to show he is down with the poor (middle class really) he has fallen off a paddleboard, cycled down a hill with his legs sticking out like a school boy, dismissed the 50% of independence voters, and independence, as a distraction. This is the man who oversaw the Post Office scandal while a Minister in the Tory coalition government, while admitting he never asked any questions. Is this clown for real?

Folks we are being taken for mugs, do not take part in this sham of an election to the English Parliament, send a clear message by abstaining, remove the mandate they think they have to govern our colony.



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5 Responses to No Shame

  1. Spear o' Annandale says:

    The real tragedy is that these politicians are in charge of anything let alone most of people’ lives. There are no red-lines that they will not cross in order to feed their massive egos and extreme narcissism is a pre-requisite for qualification as an MP.

    Sunak laughs along with people but despises 95% of them. Starmer has undertaken more U-turns than any politician I have seen and there is nothing he will sacrifice to enhance his own future – as long as someone else is paying the price.

    Davey – he is a nobody trying to become somebody.

    Starmer couldn’t point to Scotland on a map until someone told him he needed to win seats here if he wanted to become PM and now he is a regular visitor – at least until 4th July.

    The biggest tragedy is that one of the first two will hold sway over Scotland’s future as far as our finances are concerned.

    The result on 5th July will not matter to Scotland as it will be business as usual and we will continue to suffer the deliberate impoverishment of our country and our people that has been the policy of every PM since the office was created.

    • SoA

      Couldn’t put it better myself, the three of them are a joke. I haven’t watched much of the more local colony election in Scotland, but I am sure it has been terrible. The whole thing though means nothing to the colony as far as influencing anything, but it means a lot when the credit card natural resources, and taxes, keep England afloat. Outside of London, the colony is only part that makes money, the rest is pretty much a basket case. I will never forgive Sturgeon for taking the English gold, and falling into the ego trap in 2015 when she had 56 MPs. That was when they should have demanded a referendum, and a renegotiation of the Treaty of Union, when refused they should have walked out and returned to Scotland. Sturgeon is far worse than Thatcher was, Thatcher stole resources, Sturgeon stole our hope.

      Thanks for commenting.

  2. mickmaw says:

    I think there will be a shake up in this English Parliament election, with the rise of Farage taking over the Tory party with his reform party, he is rising daily in the polls…(And NO I can’t stand the man, but is he really worse than SUNAK or Kid STARVER) They are all on the far right these days…

    Then we have George Galloway and his WORKERS PARTY they will take seats from Labour, But due to Farage maybe not as many as he once believed..

    Then there is Corbyn & 18 other INDEPENDENTS all very popular in their constituency who could also take seats from Labour..

    I can see a HUNG parliament, which has to be better than either one of the three leaders mentioned above ever being in full control..

    But what I want to see most is the SNP wiped out, these sly sleekit lying torags are more dangerous to this country than WM could ever be. Because Most Scots do NOT vote for WM Politicians, & the ones we have sent to WM have proved beyond all reasonable doubt, they have been bought by the WM Establishment..

    Scotland really needs to start over again. we know that Alex ran a good government, & I believe if given the chance he would do so again, but, he too I believe will be happy to settle for government.. However that might be the best we can look forward to…

    As Peter Bell put it… Prepare for the end..Not enough Scots are getting it yet, & we are miles away from 2014..

    • Mick

      Farage might be interesting. I don’t see many independents doing well across England, and the colonies, historically they pay a price when voters go to the ballot box. British Labour in Scotland will make gains, a lot. The SNP will pay a price for their betrayal of the yes movement, I suspect the Tories, and Alba will lose most of their seats. Greens and Liberals will stay about the same. I don’t think there will be a hung parliament, although I hope you’re correct, I just don’t think British Labour will get the majority that the polls say but they will get a majority. I would be shocked if they did not.

      Thanks for commenting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Starmer’s Father was a toolmaker? That’s a surprise. LOL.

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