A Grumpy Survey: The Way Ahead

With a lot of recent polls, the impending referendum bill at Holyrood, the implosion of the Labour Party in Scotland and a lot of debate on social media and on the blogs I wondered what people might be thinking is the way ahead so it’s time for a grumpy survey. I appreciate the respondents are pretty low normally and if you could share that would be great but either way it is still interesting to find out what people think so please follow the link below to the survey, thanks.



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4 Responses to A Grumpy Survey: The Way Ahead

  1. twathater says:

    Bruce I filled in the survey twice to indicate my wife and my opinions ,
    for question 4 If another independence referendum is refused should the Scottish Government? I also indicated in preferred order my wishes as I think ALL would be required

    • Twathater

      That’s great thanks, it is just a bit of fun to see what others are thinking. I will leave it for a week and then look at the results next weekend and see what it says as there is I think two very different camps now in regards to when we go as I have chatted to people who think we are just not ready at all and that the SNP are definitely not ready. One friend, an SNP member, believes the party would rather 2024 ish from people he knows.

      Thanks for commenting. Bruce

      Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  2. David Moore says:

    I also took part in the survey. i am looking forward to see how the UDI question pans out.

    • David

      Thank you, I haven’t looked at it yet but will do on Friday and post the results, hopefully a few people will have taken part. I’ll post it again on social media today.

      Thanks for taking part and commenting. Bruce

      Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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